What Is Predictive Fusion?

Posted by BK Medical on Jan 7, 2020 3:44:56 PM

There is a better chance of successful treatment of prostate cancer when it is detected early and confined to the prostate gland.1 Increasingly, multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) is being recommended before biopsy as part of a prostate cancer pathway.2 Compared with TRUS-biopsy, mpMRI has significantly better sensitivity and negative predictive value for clinically important prostate cancer.2 If used as a triage test before first prostate biopsy, mpMRI could reduce unnecessary biopsies by a quarter; mpMRI could also reduce over-diagnosis of clinically insignificant prostate cancer and improve detection of clinically significant cancer.2

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Topics: MR Fusion Biopsy, Prostate Biopsy, bkFusion, Predictive Fusion

The Benefits of Predictive Fusion for MRI Fusion Prostate Biopsies Versus Rigid and Elastic Fusion

Posted by BK Medical on Jul 5, 2018 10:53:52 AM

Predictive FusionTM  is powered by MIMReslicer which reslices and reorients supine MRI images to LLD or Lithotomy position during the Radiology review thus addressing registration errors before the procedure.  Unlike rigid and elastic fusion, which attempt to correct errors after the ultrasound is acquired, Predictive Fusion removes errors before acquiring the ultrasound. How? Using a proprietary on-screen tool, the radiologist reslices and reorients the MRI images to the expected biopsy position, as a result, the registration process typically requires seconds. Predictive Fusion allows you to adjust and correct before taking a biopsy and was designed to fit your traditional biopsy workflow, requiring minimal extra steps and providing a fusion you can trust.

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Topics: Urology, MR Fusion Biopsy, Prostate Biopsy, bkFusion, Predictive Fusion

The Benefits of Predictive Fusion for MRI Fusion Prostate Biopsies

Posted by BK Medical on Dec 14, 2017 9:13:10 AM

Predictive Fusion™ is the new technology in bkFusion for prostate MRI Fusion biopsies.
BK Ultrasound has partnered with MIM Software to bring advanced fusion software to urologists. Predictive Fusion™ saves time and reduces your procedure steps by eliminating the need to draw ultrasound prostate contours. Watch this video for an introduction to Predictive Fusion™.

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Topics: Urology, MR Fusion Biopsy, Prostate Biopsy, bkFusion, Predictive Fusion