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Putting Pressure on Prostate Cancer

Written by BK Medical | Sep 6, 2024 7:42:32 PM

The Role of Awareness and Ultrasound in Early Detection

September marks Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, a crucial time dedicated to raising awareness about one of the most common cancers among men. Prostate cancer affects millions worldwide, yet it often remains in the shadows, obscured by other high-profile health concerns. The goal of this month is to bring prostate cancer to the forefront, encouraging men to be proactive about their health and educating the public on the importance of early detection. The theme of "putting pressure on prostate cancer" emphasizes the urgency of combating this disease through empowerment, knowledge, screening, and innovative diagnostic tools like ultrasound.

The Importance of Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men globally, with one in eight men diagnosed during their lifetime. Despite its prevalence, awareness about the disease remains relatively low compared to other types of cancer. This lack of awareness can have dire consequences, as many men do not undergo regular screenings or recognize the early symptoms, which can lead to late-stage diagnosis when the cancer is more difficult to treat.

The stigma and discomfort associated with discussing prostate health further contributes to the problem. Early-stage prostate cancer often has no symptoms, making regular screening crucial for early detection.

Raising awareness during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is vital to breaking this cycle of silence. Public health campaigns, educational events, and community outreach programs play a key role in informing men about the importance of prostate health. By normalizing conversations about prostate cancer, we can encourage more men to get screened and potentially save lives.

Why Ultrasound is a Game-Changer in Prostate Cancer Detection

In many parts of the world, a transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is the standard method used to examine the prostate. The transperineal prostate biopsy approach is becoming more prevalent and is associated with a lower risk of infectious complications and an improved sampling of the anterior prostate where the majority of missed prostate cancer resides.

Add artificial intelligence software and MRI-ultrasound guided prostate biopsies into the mix, and the benefits for surgeons and patients multiply. Surgeons can achieve faster, more accurate and reproducible results leading to increased diagnostic confidence, and patients can experience shorter exam times, fewer unnecessary procedures, and earlier diagnoses.1

The Power of Early Detection

Early detection is the cornerstone of successful prostate cancer treatment. When detected early, prostate cancer is highly treatable, with a nearly 100% five-year survival rate for localized cases.2 However, once the cancer spreads beyond the prostate, the survival rate drops significantly. This is why regular screenings and the use of advanced diagnostic tools like ultrasound are so important.

Ultrasound technology not only improves the accuracy of prostate cancer detection but also enhances the ability to monitor the disease over time. For men with low-risk prostate cancer, active surveillance is often recommended instead of immediate treatment. Ultrasound allows doctors to closely monitor the cancer's progression, ensuring that any changes are detected early and treated promptly with high-resolution Active Imaging guidance.

Putting Pressure on Prostate Cancer

The theme of "putting pressure on prostate cancer" underscores the need for relentless efforts in awareness, screening, and treatment. By increasing public knowledge about prostate cancer, promoting regular screenings, and utilizing advanced diagnostic tools like ultrasound, we can exert the necessary pressure to reduce the impact of this disease.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is an opportunity for men to take charge of their health, for families to support their loved ones, and for healthcare providers to emphasize the importance of early detection. It's a time to break the silence surrounding prostate health and encourage open discussions about a topic that affects millions of men.

Putting pressure on prostate cancer is about more than just awareness—it's about action. It’s about ensuring that every man understands their risks, recognizes their symptoms, and takes the necessary steps to protect his health. With the help of advanced technologies like ultrasound, we can detect prostate cancer earlier, treat it more effectively, and ultimately save more lives. As we observe Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, let’s commit to putting the pressure on prostate cancer until it’s no longer a silent threat, but a disease that we can confidently detect, treat, and defeat.

Check out our “Putting the Pressure on Prostate Cancer” webpage for resources on how to provide and receive healthcare that empowers during this Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.


1 Executive summary-power-ultrasound-plus-artificial-intelligence-us-dec-2023.

2 ZERO Prostate Cancer. Early Detection Saves Lives: Screening and PSA Test: ZERO Prostate Cancer; 2024.